
Life has gotten crazy lately. Between working full time, working on a demanding business certificate program (as a math challenged person, let’s just say this is also known as torture), I have felt stretched too thin.

Then the guests started coming.

Before I get into that, let me make something clear. I am introvert. An introverted introvert. I need my alone time like nobody’s business. I savor days spent alone with nothing but me in my pajamas, Netflix, and nothing to do. (This is probably also why my house is constantly in shambles). This is how I can be a normal person around other people. Getting to be alone is the balm my soul needs to function around others.

Time is precious to me right now. Any minute I can relax and do nothing, I grasp it wholeheartedly.

Having no free time at all, not being able to do anything but work – well it’s been taking its toll.

Then it started. “I’d love to visit you for a weekend!” someone might say to me via text.

“Sure, anytime!” I reply, fake enthusiasm pouring out of me, because, really what else do you say when someone you like wants to travel hundreds of miles just to spend time with you.

The problem is when everyone takes you up on it in the SAME MONTH. It’s been crickets here people. Crickets. No one has visited me in ages. Now, all of a sudden, everyone is coming.

Did I mention my house is a disaster. Because it is. (it always is).

So luckily, my sister was the first to visit. She can see my house in it’s crazy messy state, and she will not judge me. (I love her). So this past weekend – between haunted houses and college tours – we cleaned. I’m not too proud to ask for help. Because I needed it.

We didn’t get the whole house done, but we did tackle the major disasters which made me feel better. I can do the rest on my own, I think.

But I am exhausted. And I have two more weekends of visitors. TWO MORE WEEKENDS. Twenty more non-alone time days. I’m not sure how I’m going to survive, and get my homework done, and get my work work done.

I’m working at home today and I think that is helping because I can sit still long enough to write this post. Still I wonder how others do it? How do you balance everything all at the same time?


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