Rumi Reflection 21

“When I seek to please God, I do so consciously, without any doubt. When I carry a burden, I know where I’m destined to go. I am the moon and the Sun is my guide.” – Rumi

So there are three sentences here, and I’m going to break them down one by one so that I can figure out what they mean to me.

“When I seek to please God, I do so consciously, without any doubt.”

Yes, I agree with this. I think when my mode is one of connection to God and I want to do things that are pleasing to Him, it is without any doubt. I actively seek ways to please Him in those moments because I feel “filled” by that connection.

“When I carry a burden, I know where I’m destined to go.”

This, I’m not so sure about. When I feel “burdened” by something, I feel like I must go through it, and I struggle with it, but I don’t really know where that struggle is going to lead.

“I am the moon and the Sun is my guide.” With this sentence, I am assuming the Sun is God.

So tying all these together – when I seek to please God – it is an intentional act. I think this is about intention, and when hardships manifest in my life, I trust the process because I know that while it may be difficult, I know that God is leading me to the place where I’m destined to go through that burdensome journey. Perhaps “knowing” is knowing that the work associated with carrying the burden will be a gateway through to Heaven?

I’m not sure, but overall I think this is saying that when you put God at the center, then all your actions become an intentional form of worship, whether you are conscious of it or not.


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